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Centre Chiropractic & Wellness Blog

Holistic Approaches for Optimal Well-being at Centre Chiropractic & Wellness


Pickleball Injuries and Prevention: Expert Insights from a Chiropractor in Dublin

November 01, 202312 min read

Discover the world of pickleball and learn how to prevent common injuries. Explore the role of chiropractic care in injury recovery and prevention. Get expert insights from Dr. Matthew Lundeberg at The Centre Chiropractic and Wellness in Dublin, OH.


Welcome to The Centre Chiropractic and Wellness, where your well-being and spinal health are our top priorities. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the exciting world of pickleball and its impact on chiropractic health. Dr. Matthew Lundeberg and our team are here to explore the significance of pickleball, common injuries associated with this sport, prevention tips, and how chiropractic care can aid in both injury recovery and injury prevention. With a focus on in-depth analysis and practical advice, we aim to provide you with the knowledge and tools to enjoy pickleball safely and sustainably.

Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball is a fantastic sport that offers numerous health benefits. However, like any physical activity, it comes with its fair share of injuries. Understanding these potential injuries is crucial for safe and enjoyable gameplay. Let's explore common pickleball injuries in more detail.

Common Injuries include:


Shoulder Strain

The repetitive overhead motions in pickleball can lead to shoulder strains. Players often experience discomfort or pain due to the constant swinging of the paddle.

Knee and Ankle Sprains

Quick directional changes on the court may result in knee and ankle sprains, particularly if players don't have proper footwear or neglect proper warm-ups.

Tennis Elbow

Similar to its namesake sport, pickleball players can suffer from tennis elbow, causing pain in the forearm and elbow due to the gripping and swinging actions.

Back and Neck Strain

Overextending for shots or sudden movements can lead to back and neck strain, which can affect posture and spinal health.

Prevention Tips:

To enjoy pickleball safely and minimize the risk of injuries, follow these comprehensive prevention tips.


Warm-Up and Stretch

Always start with a proper warm-up and stretch routine to prepare your muscles and joints for action. Learn specific warm-up exercises that target the muscles and movements used in pickleball.

Use Proper Footwear

Invest in court-appropriate shoes with good ankle support to reduce the risk of ankle and knee injuries. Learn about the best shoe options and how to select the right pair for your needs.

Technique and Form

Learn and maintain correct paddle and body positioning to reduce the strain on your shoulders and elbows. Detailed guidance on proper pickleball techniques and strategies to avoid injury.

Paddle Selection

Choose a pickleball paddle that suits your skill level and minimizes the risk of overexertion. Explore the various types of pickleball paddles available and how to select the one that suits you best.

Chiropractic Care for Injury Recovery:

If you do experience an injury while playing pickleball, chiropractic care can be an effective part of your recovery plan. In this section, we will delve deeper into how chiropractic care can help with injury recovery.


Alleviate Pain

Chiropractic adjustments can relieve pain and promote natural healing processes, accelerating your recovery. Discover the science behind chiropractic adjustments and how they effectively reduce pain.

Restore Mobility

Chiropractic care can enhance your joint and muscle mobility, allowing for a quicker return to the court. Understand how chiropractic adjustments can improve mobility and flexibility.

Chiropractic Care for Injury Prevention:

Chiropractic care isn't just for recovery; it can also be a proactive approach to injury prevention. Explore the ways chiropractic care can contribute to injury prevention in pickleball.

Spinal Health

Regular chiropractic visits can maintain spinal health and proper alignment, reducing the risk of back and neck injuries. Learn about the impact of spinal health on overall well-being and injury prevention.

Joint Flexibility

Chiropractic adjustments improve joint flexibility, making your body less prone to strains and sprains. Delve into the science behind joint flexibility and how chiropractic care can enhance it.

Overall Well-Being

Chiropractic care promotes overall well-being and a balanced, pain-free body, helping you perform at your best on the pickleball court. Explore the holistic approach of chiropractic care and its impact on well-being.

Nutrition and Hydration:

Nutrition and hydration play a critical role in supporting your pickleball performance and overall health. Learn about the best dietary practices and hydration strategies to optimize your gameplay.


Fueling Your Body

In the world of pickleball, nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining your energy levels, optimizing performance, and ensuring a speedy recovery. To keep your body in prime shape, it's essential to understand how to fuel yourself effectively. Pre-game meals should include a balance of carbohydrates for energy, protein for muscle support, and healthy fats for sustained stamina. During the game, quick and easily digestible snacks like bananas or energy gels can provide the necessary energy without causing digestive discomfort. Post-game recovery meals should focus on replenishing lost nutrients and muscle repair, making a combination of protein and carbohydrates an excellent choice. Proper hydration is equally critical, as pickleball can be physically demanding, and dehydration can lead to fatigue and cramps. Remember that staying well-hydrated throughout the game can significantly impact your overall performance. By paying attention to your nutrition and hydration, you'll be better prepared to excel on the pickleball court.

Hydration Strategies

Staying properly hydrated is a cornerstone of a successful pickleball game. Dehydration can lead to decreased concentration, reduced stamina, and an increased risk of cramps. To optimize your hydration, start by drinking water well before your match, ensuring you're well-hydrated from the beginning. During the game, take frequent sips of water, especially during breaks, to maintain your fluid balance. Electrolyte-rich beverages or sports drinks can be beneficial if you're playing for an extended period, as they help replace lost sodium and potassium. Pay attention to your body's signals; if you're feeling thirsty, it's a sign that you need to drink more. Also, monitor your urine color; it should be pale yellow, indicating proper hydration. By adopting these hydration strategies, you can enhance your pickleball performance and reduce the risk of dehydration-related issues.

Injury Rehabilitation and Exercise:

If you've experienced a pickleball-related injury, rehabilitation is a crucial step in your recovery. Explore the exercises and rehabilitation techniques that can help you get back in the game.

Injury-Specific Rehabilitation

In the event of a pickleball-related injury, tailored rehabilitation exercises are crucial for a safe and efficient recovery. For common injuries like shoulder strains, knee sprains, and tennis elbow, specific exercises can help strengthen affected areas and promote healing. Shoulder rehabilitation may involve range-of-motion exercises and resistance training to rebuild strength. Knee and ankle sprains typically require exercises to enhance stability and restore flexibility. For tennis elbow, eccentric exercises that lengthen the affected muscles can be beneficial in alleviating pain and restoring functionality. Each injury demands a unique approach, so consulting with a healthcare professional or physical therapist is essential to design a personalized rehabilitation plan. By following these injury-specific rehabilitation exercises, you can expedite your recovery and get back to playing pickleball at your best.

Strengthening and Conditioning


Pickleball is a sport that demands strength, agility, and endurance. Incorporating strengthening and conditioning exercises into your routine can enhance your performance and reduce the risk of injuries. For a well-rounded strength and conditioning program, focus on exercises that target muscle groups used in pickleball, such as the legs, core, and upper body. Squats, lunges, and leg presses can build leg strength, while planks and Russian twists are excellent for core stability. Upper body exercises like push-ups and resistance band rows can improve paddle control and reduce the risk of tennis elbow. Additionally, cardiovascular conditioning through activities like jogging, jump rope, or high-intensity interval training can boost your overall fitness. By integrating these exercises into your regimen, you can enhance your strength, agility, and endurance, ultimately improving your pickleball game.

Mental Health and Pickleball:

Your mental well-being is just as vital as your physical health when it comes to pickleball. Understand the psychological aspects of the game, including stress management, focus, and maintaining a positive mindset.

Stress Management

Stress management is essential in the high-pressure world of pickleball. Learning how to cope with stress can improve your performance and overall well-being. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and visualization can help you stay calm and focused during a match. Additionally, time management and setting realistic goals can reduce the stress associated with competition. By mastering these stress management strategies, you can keep anxiety at bay and perform at your best on the pickleball court.

Focus and Concentration


Focus and concentration are key elements of successful pickleball play. To enhance these skills, practice mindfulness and concentration exercises both on and off the court. On-court drills that require precision and control can sharpen your focus, while off-court activities like meditation and eye-hand coordination exercises can help maintain your concentration. By incorporating these techniques into your routine, you can boost your pickleball performance.

Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset is vital in a competitive sport like pickleball. Cultivate an optimistic outlook by setting achievable goals and learning from your mistakes. Embrace a growth mindset that welcomes challenges as opportunities for improvement. Visualization techniques can also help boost confidence and positivity. By adopting a positive mindset, you'll not only perform better but also enjoy the game more, no matter the outcome.

The Importance of Rest and Recovery:

Rest and recovery are often underestimated aspects of sports performance and injury prevention. Explore the significance of adequate rest and recovery and strategies to incorporate them into your pickleball routine.

Sleep and Recovery

Quality sleep and recovery are paramount for optimal pickleball performance and injury prevention. Adequate sleep allows your body to repair and rejuvenate. Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a comfortable and cool sleeping environment, and stick to a consistent sleep schedule. To enhance recovery, include post-game stretches and relaxation techniques to relieve muscle tension and promote sound sleep. A well-rested body is less prone to injury and performs better on the pickleball court.

Active Recovery

Active recovery is a key component of injury prevention and overall well-being in pickleball. Incorporate light physical activities like walking, swimming, or cycling on rest days to stimulate blood flow and reduce muscle soreness. These activities help your body recover and repair itself faster. Pay attention to your body's signals; if you experience soreness or tightness, engage in active recovery to keep your muscles and joints in optimal condition. By making active recovery a part of your routine, you can maintain peak pickleball performance and prevent overuse injuries.

Injury Prevention in Specific Age Groups:

Pickleball is enjoyed by people of all ages. Explore injury prevention strategies tailored to different age groups, from children to seniors, to ensure everyone can participate safely.

Children and Adolescents

Pickleball is a fantastic sport for children and adolescents, but injury prevention is crucial. For young players, it's essential to emphasize proper warm-ups and cool-downs to avoid muscle strains and sprains. Encourage age-appropriate strength and conditioning exercises to develop physical skills. Moreover, supervise their play and ensure they're using the right equipment and paddles. Most importantly, instill the importance of fun and sportsmanship in pickleball. These practices will help children and adolescents enjoy the game safely while building a lifelong love for the sport.

Adults and Middle-Aged Players


Adults and middle-aged players benefit from pickleball in various ways, but it's essential to consider potential overuse injuries. As the body ages, maintaining flexibility and strength becomes crucial. Incorporate regular stretching and strength training exercises into your routine to support muscle and joint health. Pay attention to any discomfort or pain and seek prompt chiropractic or medical care to prevent chronic issues. Additionally, adapt your playing style to match your age and fitness level to prevent overexertion. With these considerations, adults and middle-aged players can continue enjoying pickleball safely and sustainably.


Pickleball is a game that seniors often embrace for its social and physical benefits, but it's vital to adapt your playing style to your age and physical condition. Warm-up exercises tailored to senior players can help reduce the risk of falls and injuries. Use paddles suited to your needs, as lighter paddles can be more manageable for older players. Incorporate joint flexibility exercises into your routine to maintain mobility, and don't push your limits. Balance training is essential to prevent falls and maintain posture. By tailoring your approach to pickleball and focusing on safety, seniors can continue enjoying the game while prioritizing their well-being.


Playing pickleball can be an incredibly enjoyable and health-promoting activity. With comprehensive knowledge about common injuries, prevention strategies, chiropractic care, nutrition, mental well-being, and injury rehabilitation, you can make the most of this sport while prioritizing your spinal and overall health. Dr. Matthew Lundeberg and our dedicated team are here to assist you in your journey toward a safer and more fulfilling pickleball experience. By incorporating these insights into your pickleball routine, you can enjoy the game for years to come while staying healthy and injury-free. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


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Dr. Matthew Lundeberg, DC

Dr. Matthew Lundeberg DC, BS, FAFSA, Dipl Med Ac is a distinguished chiropractor, acupuncturist, and accomplished author dedicated to promoting holistic health and wellness. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Lundeberg's expertise lies in prevention, recovery, and overall well-being. His passion for helping individuals live a healthy, pain-free life is evident in his informative and insightful writings, which provide practical guidance on incorporating chiropractic care, acupuncture, stretching, strengthening, and balancing techniques into daily routines. Dr. Lundeberg's expertise, combined with his compassionate approach, makes him a trusted resource for those seeking evidence-based information and personalized care. Dr. Matthew Lundeberg, DC | Chiropractor | Dublin, OH | Bridge Park

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